9:45 AM
Join us to celebrate Washington, DC's incredible economic pillars: technology + innovation, real estate + development, and creative + culture.
Whether you are able to attend the ECON Showcase in the morning or stay for lunch to learn about the state of the industry from city and company leaders, we look foward to seeing you at WDCEP's 2015 Annual Meeting + ECON Showcase.
10AM to 12PM
Network with Washington, DC leaders in retail and development, technology and innovation, and the creative sector at the Washington DC Economic Partnerships's 2015 ECON Showcase. With more than 1,000 attendees, the ECON Showcase features exhibitors representing commercial, retail, and housing development and technology and innovation business sectors of Washington, DC.
12PM to 2PM
Learn about the state of the retail and technology industries during the Annual Meeting Luncheon.
Presentation of WDCEP's inaugural WeDC Awards recognizing three DC visionaries. Discussing DC’s narrative created by leaders of the business community in real estate, technology, and the creative economy. |
Learn about sponsorship opportunities by contacting our business development team.